Digital printing machine
What is a Screen Printing Press?
What is a Screen Printing Press?
Screen printing press is a very simple and inexpensive way to put large, colorful graphics on just about any type of surface.screen printing press It is used for printing on fabric (clothing, t-shirts, banners), paper, metal, glass, and other materials. It is a very durable technique, and one that has been used for centuries to produce everything from art prints to protest posters.
Essentially, the process involves using a stencil-like screen that is coated with light-reactive emulsion.screen printing press The printer places an acetate sheet with the desired design on top of the emulsion-coated mesh. Then the emulsion is exposed to bright light. Only those parts of the emulsion that are not covered by the stencil remain hardened and will allow ink to pass through them when printed. The rest of the emulsion is washed away, leaving behind the stencil-like screen with the desired design that is ready for printing.
The next step is to place the screen over the material that will be printed. The print maker will use a rubber blade with a wooden or metal handle called a squeegee to push ink through the open areas of the screen and onto the item that is being printed. The squeegee must be wiped clean between each print, so that the same area of the stencil is not covered by ink for too long.
A very popular use of this printing method is in the garment industry, but it is also used for things like t-shirts and posters. You've probably seen the'screen-printed' logos for various bands and other entertainment events that you've attended. Screen-printing is also widely used for putting designs on DVDs, glass, and other materials. In the 1960's, artists such as Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg used the'screen-printing' process as a part of their artistic expression, opening up a whole new world for the use of this printing technique.
Modern printing presses can be either manual or automatic, but most commercial ones are rotary carousel printers. This allows several screens to be working on the same print simultaneously.
The emulsion that is used to make the screen must be washed out after each printing, as it is very light-sensitive. Most of the time, it is washed with special cleaning fluid, or sometimes acid, and then soaked in water to wash out the remaining traces of the emulsion. This is done so that the screen can be reused for printing. Screens are usually made from a special kind of synthetic mesh that is very strong and works well for this type of printing. Traditionally, silk was used, but now nylon and polyester are commonly used. This type of mesh is available in a variety of mesh counts, which determines the quality and resolution of the finished product. A higher mesh count is better for finer detail, and a lower mesh count is better for larger or bolder designs. A lower mesh count is also more economical, and some printers choose to purchase this kind of mesh because it is cheaper to replace.
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